On the early morning ferry to Nantucket, I peeked out the porthole and saw the beautiful gray-green waves foaming and splashing and the first thought that sprang to mind was paint. Not just any paint, but C2’s luminous neutral, Dorian Gray. Granted, I think of residential paint more than the average person, but I am truly captivated by it.
Choosing colors for your home interior can be a daunting process, and after much consideration we chose Dorian Gray for our bedroom walls (Benjamin Moore’s Quiet Moments was at the top of the list, but we love the quality of C2 paints). C2 promised, “Like glittering sunlight on sparkling sand or the lustrous glow of a pearly shell, each of our handcrafted colors contains its own shimmering spectrum. The use of 16 unique artist-grade pigments results in unparalleled reflectivity, radiance and luminosity.” And, they delivered. I’m enchanted.

Optimus Painting – Nantucket Island
We spent the first few days remarking, depending on the time of day and the light, on the colors that were peeking through: gray, pale-green, or steely-blue. The room feels serene, peaceful and elegant. It’s the perfect color for a wide open space or a room where tranquility is paramount. I consider it our interior paint color of the year for 2013. Just like Oscar Wilde’s protagonist, this color never gets old.
-Melanie Sabtchev

Before | Nantucket Painting Interior Staircase

Before | Nantucket Painting Interior Staircase

Before | Nantucket Painting Interior Staircase

Before | Nantucket Painting Interior Staircase

After | Residential Paint Color of the Year

After | Residential Paint Color of the Year

After | Residential Paint Color of the Year

After | Residential Paint Color of the Year